RR4: Synthesis of nanosized zeolites for the detection of VOCs

Project Title: Synthesis of nanosized zeolites for the detection of VOCs (WP2)

Host Institution: CNRS

Country: France

Supervisors: Prof. S. Mintova (CNRS-Caen); Dr. M. Denoual (CNRS-Caen); Secondary Supervisors: Prof. I. Naydenova (TDUB), George Lamy au Rousseau (STARNAV)


  • To develop novel or optimize the available synthesis approaches towards preparation of zeolite nanoparticles with variable pore openings s.
  • Functionalization of the zeolite nanoparticles by direct synthesis or post-synthesis approaches towards improved VOC detection and selectivity.
  • In situ IR characterization of adsorption and desorption of single VOC and mixtures in zeolite and MOF thin films deposited on sensor devices.
  • In situ XRD characterization of adsorption and desorption of single VOC and mixtures in zeolite and MOF powders.

Short Description of Work & Expected Results:

  • The best-performing nanosized zeolites will be identified for selective VOC adsorption. The nanosized zeolites have to fit the requirements for the detection of VOCs under realistic operating conditions. The effectiveness of the nanozeolites will depend on the (i) capacity; (ii) kinetics; (iii) selectivity; and (iv) stability/regeneration, as well as on the green method of their preparation.

Planned secondment(s):

  • Host: TDUB, Prof. I. Naydenova, Timing: year 2, Length: 6 months, Topic: Incorporation of zeolite nanoparticles in photonic sensors.
  • Host: Starnav, George Lamy au Rousseau, Timing: year 3, Length 2 months, Topic: Sensor incorporation of nanosized zeolites, developing
    data processing tools, and looking into valorisation opportunities related to end-product development. Working in a non-academic setting.

Enrolment in Doctoral degree(s): Univ. Caen & Tech. Univ. Dublin

Candidate requirements:

  • Must have a master degree in chemistry, chemical engineering or material science.
  • A relevant experience in physical chemistry, materials chemistry is mandatory.
  • We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to be the link between two teams working in material science and sensors engineering.
  • Efficient in oral and written communications.
  • Mastery of oral and written English is mandatory.