KU Leuven
Situated in the heart of Western Europe, KU Leuven has been a centre of learning for six centuries. It is Belgium’s largest and highest-ranked university and caters to more than 60 000 Bachelor’s and Master’s students and over 4000 doctoral students. The two hosting groups are 1) The Kraft group, part of the KU Leuven Department of Electrical Engineering – MNS Group, and 2) The Ameloot group, part of the KU Leuven Centre for Membrane Separations, Adsorption, Catalysis & Spectroscopy (cMACS). MNS focuses on high-precision physical microsensors, resonant based sensors, bio-medical and bio-chemical sensors, neuro-probes, energy harvesting, micromachined ultrasound transducers and interface circuits for micro-devices. cMACS focuses on the synthesis, characterisation and application of porous materials and is widely recognized for its expertise in this field. Both Kraft and Ameloot are internationally recognized for their expertise in their respective fields.